Kentuckians split on taxing sugary drinks to pay for nutrition and physical-activity programs, but like warning labels for such drinks

Should soda and other sugary drinks be taxed to fund school nutrition and physical activity programs? Kentucky adults are almost evenly divided on the issue, but the majority of them believe that sodas and sugary drinks should come with a health warning label.

According to the latest Kentucky Health Issues Poll, 51 percent of Kentucky adults support taxing soda and other sugary drinks, while 47 percent do not. Fifty-five percent of women favored the measure, while 46 percent of men favored it. African American adults (67 percent) were more likely than white adults (50 percent) to support a tax. Sixty-eight percent of respondents ages 18-29 favored the measure, 49 percent of those 30 to 45, 49 percent of those 46 to 64 and 32 percent of those 65 and over.

The poll also asked respondents if sodas and other sugary drinks should come with a label that says “studies show that daily consumption of soda and other sugary drinks contributes to diabetes, obesity and tooth decay.” Seventy-one percent of Kentucky adults favored adding the label.

A random sample of 1,597 Kentucky adults were interviewed by phone. To see the rest of the results, click here. The poll is sponsored by the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky and Interact for Health, formerly the Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati.

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